CAGD 112


This assignment are pictures taken really close together to produce an even lengthy picture to show mare than what a regular picture would show.

I was supposed to accomplish the correct merging of all 7 photos taken for this panorama shot. i believe i did a really good job blending the image and making sure the color was the same across all seven pictures.

Since this was a panorama shot i wanted to show what the field looks like with a background of the school's pride known as the wildcats that are the students. the composition includes the stands where people sit, the track where athletes run and compete as well as the field where many practices are held and competitions are held for our many sports.
The subject i utilized most was the field because i wanted to show that this was the main point of the setting and that this field represents a big part of the school campus.

The focal point of this image was the field because it's the biggest subject here and since green is the color i wanted to make the green pop to show the great condition the field is kept in all around the year. i do think i was successful in attracting the viewers eye to the field because it takes up most of the image.

the biggest problem that wasn't really a problem was that not all of the images aligned properly so to combat that i used the crop tool to align all of them correctly. Photo merge was the biggest Photoshop feature i used because without it, it would've taken a long time to properly place all images in a correct order.

Portrait assignment

This assignment is a portrait picture i decided to cover up his acne and change the color of his shirt to match the green in the background. i feel like i could've done a better job with the acne.

The main goal of this assignment was to change the reality of the original photo and turn it into the perfect image most of everyone wants to see. sort of like the technique they use when advertising beauty products.

The composition of this photo is mainly in the subject himself with the serious tone on his face as the sun is hitting hit. I decided to keep the lighting outside since naturally the sun gives off the best lighting without any help from a second source.

The point of this image is to show his seriousness and just overall to look good for those who see this picture.

I can definitely say the viewers eye is drawn to the subject because hes right in the middle with a bright green shirt to show that he glows. as well as his size in the picture.

A problem i encountered was that the stamp tool could not copy the fade of the beard and it looks weird where the skin and the beard meet. i definitely could've done better there somehow.

In Photoshop i mainly used the stamp tool to hid the acne and as well as masks in order to change the t-shirt color. at the end i added adjustment layers to give it a warm tone.

HDRI Assignment

 This assignment includes 3 really similar pictures of the same object in different exposures then blended together to show high dynamic range. this image was made in Photoshop using a merging tool impeded in the program. this image also includes adjustment layers to put the image a bit more together.

The main goal of this assignment was to show high contrast using the three images taken. these images are usually more appealing to the eye which that was the goal here. 

The composition of this picture is made of the statue in the middle with the brick building behind it as well as the statue being centered between both of the benches making it symmetrical and more appealing to the viewer.

Visual components include the design of the statue itself and the holes in the background brick wall to show that this is an engineering building.

The point of this image is to show the beauty of the statue centered in the middle of it all.

i feel like i do draw the viewers eye to the statue since its the biggest object there and is directly in the center as well as it has the most contrast with all its grooves.

a problem i encountered was that i didn't take enough exposure pictures and i feel like that would've help the image be a bit more brighter with better contrast.

In Photoshop i used contrast and levels as well as wave adjustment layers to help the picture be a little more appealing.


This assignment is a picture of an item of our choice that shows depth of field in the image along with a contrast of dark colors and light colors.

My main objective or what we needed to accomplish in this assignment was showing depth of field with a subject that represents something to us. i chose a controller because i am an avid game and love to play play video games.

My composition includes mostly the controller and the chair because that is where the magic happens. Its where people sit down and pick up the controller. the background is mostly blurred to show that this is inside a home but is blurred to show depth of field.

The focal point of this image is the controller because it was raining outside and it was difficult to take pictures outside because it was raining so i took something dear to me and set it on the table and started taking pictures as well as i believe many people can relate to not exactly playing video games but just enjoying a hobby when its raining outside. i do feel like i achieved drawing the eye to this focal point because its the most in focus and it is also a big subject.

The biggest problem i had with this assignment was that the room was really dark therefore the contrast was really hard to fix and even in the end result it did not turn out to be what i wanted.
to help combat this i made the image black and white so that the controller could stand out a bit more.

   This assignment is a picture of a rose on the bottom right of the canvas to attract the eye of the reader to represent love in a relaxed environment. The point of this assignment was to have the focal point on the edge of the screen with a good background to represent the setting and the mood the overall picture sets.

   My composition contains the rose to the right stairs as the main background subject that could represent something like hope, as well as another flower tree to the left to show that this setting can be coming from a garden as well as the shade of the trees to show the time of day this picture was taken. The black and white is to show the amount of contrast in the image and make the rose stand out the most making it the most white.

   The focal point of the image was the rose because it is the most appealing thing to look at here and can also mean love and peach as well as because everyone likes flowers.

   some problems that i encountered when editing this picture was that there was a lot of shade but i fixed them with layer masks to create highlights in places around the stairs and on the rose.

   I used layer masks to create highlight to make things stand out more and this especially helped the rose stand out in a black and white image. i also enhanced the brightness and contrast to help distinguish objects in this image and overall make it sharper.
